21. July 2010

If the chemistry is right –
Homeland, Panem & Rüdersdorf

At the chemical plant in Rüdersdorf the GDR produced until the end of 1999 the phosphate for feedstuffs “Rükana” (de-fluorinated crude phosphate), which was mainly sold to the West. Of the total of 500 employees, only 12 were employed in 1999. In early 2000, the company filed for bankruptcy and ceased production.

After the closure, the factory once again attracted attention by an environmental scandal: In the still intact, but unsecured chemical laboratories leaking containers with highly toxic chemicals were stored, the contents of which ran off uncontrollably into the ground.
The buildings are now partially decayed. The site is secured with fences and barbed wire and no longer freely accessible, but occasionally still used for film and video productions. For example, parts of the movie “Tribute of Panem” and the US series “Homeland” were filmed here.

Chemical Plant Rüdersdorf – Administration building

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